Kollywood actress, Asin Thottumkaal, made her first of many Tamil movies in 2004 with a supporting role in "M. Kumaran Son of Mahalakshmi" earning her title as a Tamil actress even though she has made films in various languages. Trisha has made 19 movies to date, with three more in production this year alone, the latest release was in 2009. Asin has been seen in these Tamil films: M. Kumaran son of Mahalakshmi (Tamil debut), Ullam Ketkumae, Ghajini, Majaa, Shivakasi, Varalaru, Anavaram, Aalwar, Pokkiri, Vel, Dasavathaaram, and most recently, Ghajini which is her also her biggest commercial success to date.
The twenty twenty six year old actress has much to her credit at such a young age including several best actress awards from various associations such as Filfare and Stardust awards for Best Debut and Most Promising Newcomer. Thottumkal also dabbled in the modeling business, one client being Colgate, before beginning her acting career. In 2001, the aspiring actress/model moved from Kochi to Chennai to pursue her acting career making her screen debut in, with Sathyan Anthikkad's Narendra Makan Jayakanthan Vaka. Her determination, beauty, and talent has made her famous among Bollywood directors.
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